
Bigger leaner stronger pdf reddit
Bigger leaner stronger pdf reddit

bigger leaner stronger pdf reddit bigger leaner stronger pdf reddit

  • Military press 1x bodyweight for 4 – 6 reps.
  • Bench press 1.35x bodyweight for 4 – 6 reps.
  • bigger leaner stronger pdf reddit

  • Deadlift 1.75x bodyweight for 4 – 6 reps.
  • You’re ready for the ‘Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger’ approach to training when you can: Are You Ready For Beyond Bigger, Leaner Stronger? Once you’ve got the fundamentals of your main compounds lifts dialled and you’re able to lift roughly the following weight it’s time to apply the fundamentals found in Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger. If you’re completely new to lifting I’d recommend starting with BEASTMODE, Body of a Spartan or Bigger Leaner Stronger. It’s worth noting that ‘Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger’ is an advanced program and is definitely not for beginners, in my opinion you’d want at least 2 – 3 years of solid, structured lifting under your belt before you delve into a routine like this. In ‘Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger’ you will not find a single piece of broscience or wild claim regarding the dieting, training, recovery or supplementation discussed as Mike references 277 studies throughout the course of the book – personally I’m a very sceptical person when it comes to new principles and techniques regarding dieting and training as we all know there’s a ton of BS out there… having 4 or 5 studies to back up a technique that Mike recommends to us in the book is a breath of fresh air. Staying super lean (sub 7% body fat) will still making strength gains is a feat that most people would say is only achievable by an ‘enhanced’ athlete, yet after reading this book you’ll learn that with the correct approach to training and dieting it certainly is possible.

    Bigger leaner stronger pdf reddit